MobiKin Doctor for Android 5.1.14 & Wild Feast

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MobiKin Doctor for Android 5.1.14 & Wild Feast

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Giveaway of the day — MobiKin Doctor for Android 5.1.14

Die beste Android-Datenwiederherstellungssoftware, mit der ihr gelöschte Kontakte, Textnachrichten oder Anrufprotokolle auf Android-Telefonen und -Tablets wiederherstellen können. Das beste Android-Dateiwiederherstellungstool zum Wiederherstellen von Fotos, Videos, Musikdateien oder Dokumenten von allen Android-Geräten.

MobiKin Doctor for Android - lebenslange Lizenz mit 50% Rabatt. Nur für GAOTD-Benutzer!


Game Giveaway of the day — Wild Feast

In an amazing world full of interesting creatures and exciting adventures, there lives a wolf — the mischievous and dexterous hero of our Wild Feast game. His favorite activity is to eat well, and therefore he travels the world in search of food: hams, fried chicken, hot dogs and juicy pieces of meat.

You will have to help the wolf in his exciting adventure by collecting the necessary amount of food to move to the next level. For each delicacy you collect, you will receive 25 points, so be careful and dexterous!

Use the space bar to make jumps and jump over obstacles. If the distance between the platforms is large, press the space bar again to perform a double jump and reach an even higher height. Take care not to fall!


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